Marianne Lauren Marianne Lauren

Feeling Good

I like to start my day by belting out "Feeling Good" along with Michael Buble.  The lyrics influence and stay with me while I create.  

Quiet time with yoga or meditation in the evening soothe my soul.  Balancing time with family and friends rounds out my day.  



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Marianne Lauren Marianne Lauren

It's a New Day

It's a new dawn, a day, a year, and opportunity for a new life.  

On our journeys, we have lessons to learn.  The more I contemplate and understand this basic concept, the more I learn to focus on my journey.  I can love and be accessible to others but not impose myself in any way.  Let be.  Feels right and good.  A work in progress.    

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Marianne Lauren Marianne Lauren

Love to You

The best of holiday wishes and love to you.  Have an awesome new year, every day, and every moment!

Love, peace, and happiness,


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Marianne Lauren Marianne Lauren

Gratitude and Sharing

"If you are truly thankful, what do you do?  Share."

 – W. Clement Stone, Businessman, Philanthropist

In gratitude for all the good in life regardless of the craziness going on the world, I share my love with you and everything in the entire universe.


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Marianne Lauren Marianne Lauren

Circle of Love

E - X - P - A - N - D - I - N - G   my  circle  of  love  one  magical  person  at  a  time.

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Marianne Lauren Marianne Lauren

Happy Summer!

Electronic devices off.  Candlelight and music on.  Bliss out.


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Marianne Lauren Marianne Lauren

Hello Everyone!

It has been a while since my last entry.   In preparing to submit my work, I've indulged in recommended reading and will soon reach my goal!  I attended a great writer's retreat in January.  Ahh, the life of a writer.

"There is nothing to writing.  All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed." – Ernest Hemingway



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Marianne Lauren Marianne Lauren

Time for a Laugh Break

What did Vanna White say while on vacation?

"I don't even want to think about tapping letters!"

–  Marianne Lauren

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Marianne Lauren Marianne Lauren

The Things We Do For Love

On the first night I went out with my man, we walked along the harbor and spoke about the importance of honesty to us.  Getting to know one another during subsequent dates, I informed him I ate fresh onions and garlic and couldn’t and wouldn’t give them up but made up for it by maintaining meticulous oral hygiene.  I mean, how do you make a fabulous vinaigrette dressing without fresh garlic?  C’est impossible!  How do you eat certain main dishes, like burgers, without a ring of fresh onion?  Mais, non!  He understood and accepted.  “That’s love,” I thought. 

We accepted one another, idiosyncrasies and all, and fell in love.  He is good for and to me, and I appreciate him with all my heart.  At times I skip eating fresh onions and garlic for him.  That’s love. 

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Marianne Lauren Marianne Lauren

Artist Date

I designated today as my “Artist Date” per Julia Cameron's suggestion in her book, An Artist’s Way

Rather than sticking to my three-dish lunch combo at Erewhon, I ventured into Spicy Town and ordered a large serving of Buffalo Cauliflower seasoned with sriracha.  My tongue and taste buds burned in a good way through to the finish.  Dee-li-shus!  No water or any drink needed or wanted.

Next stop, an artisanal chocolate shop, where I sampled a dot of organic dark chocolate with sea salt and bought a teeny-weeny bar. 

Wandering in and out of boutiques, soaking in the ambiance, scents, and displays, I met with either welcoming or snobbish staff.  Genuine smiles and greetings encourage me to buy whether or not intending to.  I marveled at handmade, delicate jewelry and divine but way over-priced clothing that the Housewives of Wherever or Ladies of London would wear.  My hands glided over the flowy and velvety soft fabrics of dreamy robes.  I flipped through the sizes but they didn’t have them in mine.  I tried one on anyway.  Four sizes too large, it puddled on the floor, and I laughed.  I thought, "Nothing sexy about this at all!"

Hubby and I met up.  Ready for dinner, we shared a four-star meal of arugula, cheese, and caramelized pecan salad and a plate of roasted lamb belly at a restaurant in Manhattan Beach. Great food and service.

Satisfied and heading home, we shared the events of our day, interspersed with comfortable moments of silence. 

I love my Artist Dates!

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Marianne Lauren Marianne Lauren

Time Out

We’re on staycation for a couple of weeks; and so far, we’ve started each day with a spontaneous spirit as well as considering the essential, spending time celebrating the holidays with family and friends.

Monday, the day of the week I committed to writing my blog, began with a whirlwind of a morning with several items on my “to do” list.  As we proceeded to get ready for the outing of the day, the clock jumped ahead in what seemed like hour chunks at a time.  I glanced at my laptop and thought to take it with me and follow through with my commitment.  But Veronique Vienne’s The Art of Doing Nothing, on my desk, reminded me  I needed to do more “being” than “doing,” especially on vacation.  I decided my blog could wait till we returned home.

Inspired to do nothing for as long as possible that day, I grabbed my basic necessities and placed them in a tote bag.  Of course, I took my writing pen and notebook in case brilliant thoughts came to me.    

At Erewhon in Venice,  I sat on a bar stool by a window and indulged in roasted vegies and the practice of observation and sensory awareness, tasting the various vegies, smelling fresh pressed juices, teas, and coffees, appreciating the colors of the sky, people and their clothing, flowers on display, and the store's architecture.  The vibe in the space, updated hippieness of the 1960s mixed with beautiful people dressed to impress, seeming to perhaps get discovered.

When my eyes met with fellow foodies, I smiled but did my best not to speak unless necessary or moved to in order to keep on my “doing nothing” track.  I watched very cool, genuine loving people do kind deeds.  Moved to speak with them, I thanked them for their touching actions.  For a nanosecond, I spoke with a woman with a fabulous English accent, having to tell her just that.  She carried on in conversation with a tall, familiar gentleman.  Ah, yes, a good actor.

My “doing nothing” phase continued through yesterday.  I liked it and will incorporate more of it in my life. 

Love, Peace, Happiness, and The Art of Doing Nothing

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Marianne Lauren Marianne Lauren

A Sunday in Venice Beach

Yesterday we set out to explore the brick-and-mortar Bulletproof coffeehouse in Venice Beach.  As we drank our great cups of coffee in glass beaker cups, we engaged in conversation with new friends.  We later lunched at Erewhon Market.  A little haven, they offer a variety of healthy deliciousness.  You can sit at a bar along the front windows or out on their patio.  The warm, friendly staff, part of the experience, made us smile.  

We shopped at small businesses along Abbott-Kinney and visited a gallery with incredible photographs that captured the magical beauty of Mother Nature, waterfalls, rivers, canyons, star-studded night skies in the desert.  Wow!  A reminder to preserve as much of it as possible.

Grateful for our adventure.  Oh, what fun we had on our day filled with Aha! moments!   

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Marianne Lauren Marianne Lauren

Hula Hooping

Inspired by a performer, toned yet feminine, who belly danced, snake charmed, and hooped at an event, I decided to add hula hooping to my exercise routine comprised of yoga, walking, and dancing.  I tested the options at the sporting goods store and purchased a slightly weighted hula hoop.

I thought hula hooping, like bike riding, would come right back to me.  My choppy, sloppy moves cracked me up so hard my belly shook.  I must've burned up hundreds of calories.  But I don’t count calories.  My gauge is what I see in the mirror and how my clothes fit.

Following instructions from a YouTube video, I stood before a mirror and looked like a comedy act.  By watching another option, a little girl displayed ease and a fun spirit.  My inner child clicked in, and I got my groove back. 

One week in and I can hoop in one direction for an entire song, switch sides, and explore new moves.  Baby steps.

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Marianne Lauren Marianne Lauren

Recent Observations

Rampant ageism and body shaming going on.  Age is a matter of perspective.  Outer appearance is not always a choice.   

To many young people, their parents and other adults are dinosaurs.  Eventually, they grow up and are considered old by the next generation.  They're as shocked as anyone else when first called sir or ma'am.

Outer appearance doesn't make a person.  

It's what's in your heart and mind and how you make people feel that matters.   


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Marianne Lauren Marianne Lauren

Our Holiday Tradition

For the past several years, we’ve been purchasing a tiny, live pine tree, placing it by a bright window, and planting it in our yard after the holiday.  The rewards manifest in the joy of watching the trees grow.  Ours have grown to towering heights.  They dance in the wind and sparkle in the rain.  They enhance our spectacular view and provide oxygen and their lovely scent.

Should you consider joining in on our holiday tradition, I’d love to see what kind of ripple effect we create together. 



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Marianne Lauren Marianne Lauren

The DNA Quest

A few nights ago, I watched “The Human Family Tree,” a National Geographic program.  The Genographic Project, led by an international scientist and IBM researchers, sampled DNA from indigenous people from around the world. 

Their findings:  We are all related!  We originated from a couple, referred to as Scientific Adam and Eve, in Africa.  Different cultures formed based on the direction our ancestors took when they left the motherland. 

My findings:  Aha!  I knew it!  We are nomadic adventurers and explorers by nature, seeking water, food, shelter, and comfort.

Now that we know we are indeed one people, let’s love one another.  Had we known all along, what kind of world would we have now?

Yesterday I attended the Snow Goose event, where people gather to participate in spreading love to everyone in the world and to our beautiful planet.  We shared food, music, and dance.  Our host, Best-Selling Author, Victor Villaseñor, asked us to honor our ancestors by speaking their names. 

I paid close attention to the features of those who crossed my path, to those I spoke and danced with, appreciating their uniqueness and sensing my connection to them and knowing we’re all part of the same family.   

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Marianne Lauren Marianne Lauren


This beautiful month of November reminds me to show gratitude for all the people, things, and places in my life that make me sing.  I am grateful.

FYI: Good Vibes 

Snow Goose, an annual event where people gather to celebrate and practice world peace and harmony.  A day to put aside political, racial, and socio-economic differences and come together with a sense of community.  Hosted by Victor Villasenor, Best-Selling Author.

When:  Sunday, November 20, 2016  *1:00 p.m. to Sunset*

Where:   Rancho Villasenor, 1302 Stewart Street, Oceanside, CA  9205

For more information, check their website 



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Marianne Lauren Marianne Lauren

My New Discovery, Bulletproof Coffee

Our friend Marjorie turned us on to Bulletproof Coffee.  We first checked into their website and, as foodies,  searched for places to taste it.  We found a local coffeehouse, which served their coffee with ghee.  Okay, but not the real deal.  We wanted the true experience and purchased Bulletproof Coffee and Brain Octane and ghee.

OMG!  Love at first drink!  Thank you, Marjorie and Dave Asprey!  Okay, so now I'll share our recipe with you because I love you.  No, I am not receiving a  commission from the Bulletproof team, but we would appreciate it if they would consider rewarding me/us somehow.  Perhaps a round-trip to Europe for two?  Or a post for me as their spokesperson?  I'm open.  

Our Bulletproof Coffee Recipe

(Serves Two Cups)

2 Tablespoons Bulletproof Coffee

16 Ounces Water, Filtered or Bottled

2 Tablespoons Bulletproof Brain Octane (Distilled Coconut Oil)

1 Tablespoon Ghee, Organic (Clarified Butter)

1.  Set out your blender.  Add Brain Octane and Ghee to the pitcher. 

2..  Prepare coffee to your taste.  Immediately pour into pitcher.  Blend for 20 seconds.  Serve.

 Voila!  Frothy yumminess!  You're welcome!   

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Marianne Lauren Marianne Lauren

Quote of the Week

People, places, and circumstances offer momentary to lifetime connections. – Marianne Lauren

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Marianne Lauren Marianne Lauren

Quote of the Week

What a delight when my dreams and experiences provide magical inspiration to create!  

– Marianne Lauren 

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