Time Out

We’re on staycation for a couple of weeks; and so far, we’ve started each day with a spontaneous spirit as well as considering the essential, spending time celebrating the holidays with family and friends.

Monday, the day of the week I committed to writing my blog, began with a whirlwind of a morning with several items on my “to do” list.  As we proceeded to get ready for the outing of the day, the clock jumped ahead in what seemed like hour chunks at a time.  I glanced at my laptop and thought to take it with me and follow through with my commitment.  But Veronique Vienne’s The Art of Doing Nothing, on my desk, reminded me  I needed to do more “being” than “doing,” especially on vacation.  I decided my blog could wait till we returned home.

Inspired to do nothing for as long as possible that day, I grabbed my basic necessities and placed them in a tote bag.  Of course, I took my writing pen and notebook in case brilliant thoughts came to me.    

At Erewhon in Venice,  I sat on a bar stool by a window and indulged in roasted vegies and the practice of observation and sensory awareness, tasting the various vegies, smelling fresh pressed juices, teas, and coffees, appreciating the colors of the sky, people and their clothing, flowers on display, and the store's architecture.  The vibe in the space, updated hippieness of the 1960s mixed with beautiful people dressed to impress, seeming to perhaps get discovered.

When my eyes met with fellow foodies, I smiled but did my best not to speak unless necessary or moved to in order to keep on my “doing nothing” track.  I watched very cool, genuine loving people do kind deeds.  Moved to speak with them, I thanked them for their touching actions.  For a nanosecond, I spoke with a woman with a fabulous English accent, having to tell her just that.  She carried on in conversation with a tall, familiar gentleman.  Ah, yes, a good actor.

My “doing nothing” phase continued through yesterday.  I liked it and will incorporate more of it in my life. 

Love, Peace, Happiness, and The Art of Doing Nothing


Artist Date


A Sunday in Venice Beach