Marianne Lauren Marianne Lauren


I would like to thank the wonderful people in the world who are kind, loving, caring, helpful, light-hearted and fun! You make the world a better place with your smiles and good deeds. May they return to you a million-fold! Lots of love and kisses!

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Marianne Lauren Marianne Lauren


Happy Tuesday!
I’m pleased to announce my very first Instagram Campaign, where I invite my readers to post their photos of my book at their favorite coffeehouse/s and/or of themselves with my book and/or my book at global landmarks à la Amélie and her father’s gnome!

This allows you the opportunity to contribute to promoting my book, your favorite coffeehouse/s, or yourself! Have fun with it! Send your photo to me here on my website or via a message on LinkedIn or Instagram, and I’ll post them on my Instagram page,
Love, love, love, Marianne

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Marianne Lauren Marianne Lauren


Please see my “Books” page for updates about An American in … Tehran.
Thank you and have an amazing day! ✨😊✨
P.S. I love you! Yes, I’m talking to you.

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Marianne Lauren Marianne Lauren

📣 Extra! Extra! Read all about it! 📣

It has been a wild ride since my book, An American in … Tehran, my very first, was published on August 17, 2023, and available on Amazon! I’m still flying from the rush and the book signing last Saturday!

Dear readers,

I created a Spotify playlist for you, Marianne Lauren, My Soundtrack, as an accompaniment to my story.  The songs are in random order for you to figure out when they apply.

Contact me with questions or thoughts about it at

"🎶 M u s i c 🎶 is life!”  ⁓ Marianne Lauren

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Marianne Lauren Marianne Lauren

My Team, My Tribe

You know you’ve achieved success in life when you are surrounded by loving, encouraging, supportive family and friends. I am so very happy and grateful to have my team, my tribe. I love each and every one of you.

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Marianne Lauren Marianne Lauren

The Importance of Being Grateful

The 95th Academy Awards on March 12, 2023, held at the Dolby Theatre, Hollywood, started and ended with a good vibe bang! Jimmy Kimmel entertained from the moment he arrived in a parachute deployed from Tom Cruise’s Top Gun:  Maverick jet through to the close of the show. 

In his opening monologue Kimmel playfully threatened, “If any of you get mad at a joke and decide to come up here, there a few of my friends you’re gonna have to get through first. . .” As he mentioned them, the camera panned to who he described as “Apollo Creed, Michelle Yeoh, The Mandelorian, Spiderman, Fabelman and Guillermo, my right-hand man.” Kimmel cleverly riddled his narrative with snide remarks about last year’s disruptor and two of this year’s absentees.

Gratitude and kindness set the tone for the entire evening beginning with Ke Huy Quan’s moving acceptance speech.   

“…Thank you so much to the Academy for this honor of a lifetime. Thank you to my mom for the sacrifices she made to get me here. To my little brother, David, who calls me every day just to remind me to take care of myself: I love you, brother. Thank you to Ken for all of your support and for everything you've done. Thank you to A24, the Daniels, Jamie and Michelle and my Goonies’ brother for life, Jeff Cohen.

I owe everything to the love of my life, my wife, Echo, who month after month, year after year for 20 years, told me that one day my time will come. Dreams are something you have to believe in. I almost gave up on mine. To all of you out there, please keep your dreams alive. Thank you, thank you so much for welcoming me back. I love you. Thank you, thank you, thank you." 

The kindness theme emanated from Everything Everywhere All at Once and permeated the theatre. We, the unsuspecting audience, went with the flow of anything could happen as we do every year. Little by little, those of us who watched Everything Everywhere All at Once, may have thought of it as a silly, way way out indie film with googly eyes and a bagel until it proved a profound revelation for the protagonist.

The love vibe essence snowballed as Oscar winners highlighted appreciation for their mothers, parents, children. What a joy to see Jamie Lee Curtis win! In her touching speech she thanked every person in her life who has and continues to love, encourage and support her in doing what she loves. Her generosity induced happy tears as I share that gratitude for every pure heart in my life who has and continues to do the same for me. 

Glamourous fashions satisfy what we expect from Hollywood on this annual occasion. Rihanna’s Black ensemble by Maison Margiela by John Galliano and Emily Blunt’s White Valentino gown tied for Best Dressed she/her in my opinion. Lenny Kravitz’ ramped up tuxedo by Saint Laurent and Jaeger-LeCoultre won Best Dressed he/him. I don’t know about you, but I fanned myself to cool off. 

Sofia Carson treated us to her sweet, earthy “Applause” delivery. Bravo to Lady Gaga for her raw, brilliant performance of “Hold My Hand,” beautifully bare-faced, hair in a ponytail, in nothing but a black t-shirt and jeans. Rihanna and her Galliano outfit glowed and sparkled as she lulled us with her magical voice and prowess. 

In the saddest but important part of the Oscars, we got to say goodbye to and thank stars who left us but whose bright lights will continue to shine. Lenny Kravitz serenaded with his soothing rendition of “Fly Away.”

What a delight to see the reunion pairings of Antonio Banderas and Selma Hayek, Kate Hudson and Janelle Monáe, Andie MacDowell and Hugh Grant, Mindy Kaling and John Cho, Jonathan Majors and Michael B. Jordan, Halle Berry and Jessica Chastain and Harrison Ford and Ke Huy Quan. At long last what a pleasure to see more and more of our diverse, “everything bagel” population in this country represented in Hollywood. 

Love and kudos to Andie McDowell for her comfort in her natural self, allowing us women to consider graciously accepting our own, unique beauty at every stage in our lives like several others did or do. 

Michelle Yeoh delivered an empowering, impactful speech. “Thank you, thank you. For all the little boys and girls who look like me watching tonight, this is a beacon of hope and possibilities. This is proof that… dreams do come true. And ladies, don’t let anybody tell you you are ever past your prime. Never give up.

I wouldn’t be standing here tonight without the Daniels, without A24, without my amazing cast and crew. Without everyone who was involved with Everything Everywhere All at Once.

I have to dedicate this to my mom, all the moms in the world, because they are really the superheroes and without them, none of us would be here tonight…” 

Everything Everywhere All at Once, the little film that could, nabbed seven (7) Oscars. Due to the heartwarming speeches and Jimmy Kimmel’s smoothness, this year’s Oscars resulted as my favorite to date.  Thank you and great job, Hollywood!  Stay on the good foot.

 Love, love, love, Marianne



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Marianne Lauren Marianne Lauren

Never give up

A “Never give up” sign attached on a wall of Charles Conrad Studio reminded us actors with a passion for acting to never give up on ourselves or our dreams.

We creative artists, all creatives, must follow our inner wisdom and calling. We must learn as much as we can and practice our craft. Eventually, the hard work pays off.

Those of us who have cheerleaders, supporters, who believe in us, who know and understand us and why we do what we do, are blessed!

To all creatives, I’m rooting for you! keep on keepin’ on, baby! ✨♥️✨💋✨♥️✨

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Marianne Lauren Marianne Lauren

My sweet, dahlings!

Due to our commitment to our YouTube Channel, Ambrosia for Body, Mind, Spirit, I will blog whenever I can. Such is the film industry! ✨ 🎬✨

Plus I devote time to my writing assignments. Plus, like everyone else in the world, I spend quality time with family, friends, and on self-care.

Know I send you love every morning. ♥️
Love, love, love, Marianne

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Marianne Lauren Marianne Lauren


“Inner beauty from the heart permeates the body, penetrates through the skin, and transcends outer beauty.” ⁓ Marianne Lauren

This morning I reflected on a conversation with a friend about unkind comments made to her. She is one of the kindest, most beautiful people I know.

With all the wonders in nature, people, the arts, etc., to appreciate and with the state of world affairs during the past year, I would like to think we have acquired a stronger sense of brotherhood/sisterhood and respect between us.

Maya Angelou’s following quote made an impact on me:
“I’ve learned that people will forget . . . but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

❤️ ✌️ ☺️

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Marianne Lauren Marianne Lauren

The Moon and Me

Wow, this morning, the full moon gave a spectacular show!  At predawn, it shone in the west, lined up with the about to rise sun in the east.  Flanked by neighbors’ trees, the moon’s soft golden aura mesmerized me.  

I stared at it and connected to it like no other time.  She blew me a kiss, her right eye open and left eye in a wink.  

“I love you, too!”  I said, realizing our connection came from a deep place.  My surname, Lua, means moon in Portuguese.  I’m grateful my ancestors chose this beautiful name in its honor.  Moved, tears welled up.  

I’m grateful for our magical sky, especially during its wondrous show at night.  Our fascination with it from the beginning of time continues.  Birds and sea and sky travelers continue to navigate according to the stars.  Our brilliant, ancient ancestors constructed pyramids, temples, homes, and structures in alignment with the sun, moon, planets, stars, and/or the four directions throughout the world.  Farmers continue to plant according to moon cycles.

Captive, I kept my eyes on the kissing moon until the Earth spun and hid it in the passion fruit vines over the arbor next door.  

“Thank you!  See you tonight!” I said and blew her a kiss.

Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech (Hi Sheldon, Leonard, Raj, and Howard!)

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Marianne Lauren Marianne Lauren

Thank you, Prince William, Duke of Cambridge!

Hurrah for Prince William!

Yes, yes, yesssssssssssssss!  Thank you, Prince William, for speaking out.  Your voice will be heard.  

The Universe, Mother Earth, and I support your and your family’s effort and work toward focus on healing and protecting her.  You have our blessing.    

I have a suggestion for the upcoming late October summit, The 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference:  A P.S. to the invitation.  Include a suggestion to take place before its scheduled date.

P.S. I invite you to choose one of your favorite nature settings, pack a picnic meal and blanket, and sit, saunter, or hike in the space for one to several hours.  Take it all in.  Breathe the fresh air.

✨ ✨ ✨

“Prince William tells billionaires:  Forget space race and focus on saving Earth” 

By Chantal Da Silva, NBC News, October 14, 2021

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Marianne Lauren Marianne Lauren

The Special Monarch Butterfly

It’s been a l-o-n-g time since I’ve posted on my blog! Lots of traveling, leading a gypsy life, my husband and I realized we’re more nesters than gypsies. We’ve settled again in a new place near the incredible Pacific Ocean. Of course, I continued my creative endeavors, soaking in all the places we visited, taking notes, and sketching in my journals. Because a creative must create, create, create!

Right smack in the middle of our back yard and in an easterly, westerly direction, butterflies flutter by or stop and flitter about in our garden before they resume their route. Because many of them grace us with their beauty several times a day, we named it Butterfly Highway.

The special butterfly carried a fellow butterfly with two of its hind legs. Because I gathered the fellow butterfly might have been injured, the special butterfly’s act of kindness moved me to tears.

I thought of how we humans could learn from this. Fellow species members helping one another. No money exchange. No scheduling involved.

Today I researched why butterflies would carry each other. Answer: They’re mating!

Silly, sappy me. I should have looked it up yesterday. Ignorance is not bliss. This is why we must, no matter how smart we think we are, continue to educate ourselves! But then I wouldn’t have this story to tell.

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Marianne Lauren Marianne Lauren

Happy Love Day!

I send you this love note to inform you you are loved by more people than you know. There are countless loving people who have and are doing amazing work in the world. They lead their lives by including acts of kindness and servitude toward others and nature. They include sending love to everyone and everything.

Throughout history and through their individual expression and/or medium, they have made a positive difference. Recently, we watched “Won’t You Be My Neighbor,” the documentary about Mister Rogers. What a delightful, insightful man! Growing up with his influence, it was wonderful to learn what inspired him.

Mister Rogers’ catchphrases: “ I like you just the way you are.” “ Everyone wants to be loved. “

A sign in one of his scenes read “143,” 1 = I, 4 = LOVE, and 3 = YOU.

Two key words stayed with me: love and goodness.

I love you.

Love, Marianne

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Marianne Lauren Marianne Lauren

Happy New Year! Happiness to you and everyone and everything!

I followed wise advice and reflected on and showed gratitude and gave myself kudos for what I accomplished in 2018. With a grateful heart and smile on my face, I contemplated my desires for this year.

Every day is a new beginning and every day we can create and recreate ourselves and our lives.

Love, Peace, and Happiness,


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Marianne Lauren Marianne Lauren

A Lesson from the Hawks

When I observed a red-tailed hawk on a perfect day, it took to the sky from a tree limb on a nearby hill.  Five ravens cawed, pestered, and dove at it, attempting to intimidate it to leave the area.

“No one owns the sky!” I yelled.  “Leave the hawk alone!”

Unfettered, the hawk ignored them and flew in circles, higher and higher. One by one, the ravens, exhausted by their obnoxious, angry, negative energy, drifted off in different directions. The hawk soared up until it appeared the size of an ant.  It rose above.

Should ravens in the form of people, things, or situations appear, I too, will rise above like the majestic hawk. 

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Marianne Lauren Marianne Lauren

A few of my favorite things

The most meaningful gifts I receive year round from family, friends, and others:


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Marianne Lauren Marianne Lauren

Meditation Kick

The ancient art of meditation is ever more popular and necessary now. It always has been, is, and will be an important vehicle for achieving a peaceful state of mind. When I first learned how to meditate, I loved and applied it as part of my life. It has served me well. Recently, I learned more fascinating information, which scientifically proves meditation’s benefits. Now, in the way I crave certain foods, I crave my meditation sessions and set aside time for them on a daily basis.

Busy-ness and overstimulation from devices and distractions take their toll. I highly recommend at least a daily fifteen-to-thirty minute meditation pause from your day as a gift for yourself. Or go for a walk in nature, watch a sunrise/sunset, in silence. It’ll do you good.

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Marianne Lauren Marianne Lauren

Anthony Bourdain

Hi Anthony,

If you didn't know how loved you were while you were here, now you do.  You left an indelible mark on us.  Thank you for taking us to places we have yet to explore and introducing their people, culture, and food, wonderful food.  In your honor, we've added your Parts Unknown theme song to our music library.  

You were and will always be the Rockstar of chefs, unique, real, free spirit, an ambassador without borders.  

Thank you!  


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Marianne Lauren Marianne Lauren

New Beginnings

When new beginnings present themselves, I take deep, cleansing breaths and go within, stretch with yoga, and dance like a wild banshee to shake off any and all residual stress from the past.  

My mantra for these occasions:  forward, onward, upward

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