Happy Love Day!

I send you this love note to inform you you are loved by more people than you know. There are countless loving people who have and are doing amazing work in the world. They lead their lives by including acts of kindness and servitude toward others and nature. They include sending love to everyone and everything.

Throughout history and through their individual expression and/or medium, they have made a positive difference. Recently, we watched “Won’t You Be My Neighbor,” the documentary about Mister Rogers. What a delightful, insightful man! Growing up with his influence, it was wonderful to learn what inspired him.

Mister Rogers’ catchphrases: “ I like you just the way you are.” “ Everyone wants to be loved. “

A sign in one of his scenes read “143,” 1 = I, 4 = LOVE, and 3 = YOU.

Two key words stayed with me: love and goodness.

I love you.

Love, Marianne


The Special Monarch Butterfly


Happy New Year! Happiness to you and everyone and everything!