The DNA Quest

A few nights ago, I watched “The Human Family Tree,” a National Geographic program.  The Genographic Project, led by an international scientist and IBM researchers, sampled DNA from indigenous people from around the world. 

Their findings:  We are all related!  We originated from a couple, referred to as Scientific Adam and Eve, in Africa.  Different cultures formed based on the direction our ancestors took when they left the motherland. 

My findings:  Aha!  I knew it!  We are nomadic adventurers and explorers by nature, seeking water, food, shelter, and comfort.

Now that we know we are indeed one people, let’s love one another.  Had we known all along, what kind of world would we have now?

Yesterday I attended the Snow Goose event, where people gather to participate in spreading love to everyone in the world and to our beautiful planet.  We shared food, music, and dance.  Our host, Best-Selling Author, Victor Villaseñor, asked us to honor our ancestors by speaking their names. 

I paid close attention to the features of those who crossed my path, to those I spoke and danced with, appreciating their uniqueness and sensing my connection to them and knowing we’re all part of the same family.   


Our Holiday Tradition

